
Welcome to ATS Online for Praise Band, a self-paced learning system to build instrument proficiency working towards playing in a praise band context. Each course is divided into modules that you can watch at your own pace and the course will never expire. Please practice the concepts and lessons so that you feel comfortable before moving onto the next unit. 

If you are learning an instrument for the first time, we highly recommend you start with the basic music theory course which will give you a foundation and a framework to build musicality on top of technical skills.  Have fun learning!

For any questions/feedback, please fill out the feedback form

Basic Music Theory

Syllabus |  To enroll, create a free Canvas account (or log in) here. Then use join code 9YCT4G or click this Enrollment link

Course Description

This course will provide the basics of music theory that are fundamental to understanding how to play different instruments in the praise band. Students will learn the fundamentals of rhythm, music notation, keys, scales, and chords.




Level 1: Syllabus | To enroll, create a free Canvas account (or log in) here. Then use join code TRGY8A or click this Enrollment link

Course Description

Learn to play bass! It's probably the easiest instrument to pick up in a praise band.  By the end of the course, they should be able to play basic bass with a praise band.


Students who are taking ATS:Bass Level 1 must have the following prerequisites:

Electric Guitar

Level 1: Syllabus | To enroll, create a free Canvas account (or log in) here. Then use join code BW7DGR or click this Enrollment link

Course Description

Aspiring electric guitarists will learn some core skills to play both rhythm and lead guitar in a contemporary worship style. They will learn: anatomy of a guitar, chords, triad, and technical skills like palm muting or alternate picking. This course will not cover effects pedals, soloing, or riffs. 


Students who are taking ATS:Electric Level 1 must have the following prerequisites:


Level 1: Syllabus | To enroll, create a free Canvas account (or log in) here. Then use join code NXLGNB or click this Enrollment link

Course Description

Classically trained pianists will learn how to play basic keys/pads in contemporary worship style.  They will learn how to read chord charts, play with a band and how to do basic underscoring.  By the end of the course, they should be able to play basic keys/pads with a praise band.


Students who are taking ATS:Keyboard Level 1 must have the following prerequisites: