Do I need any Acts2 Network login (i.e. @acts2.network) to take these courses? No, they are open to anyone and everyone.

What if I forgot my Canvas password? You will need to use the "Forgot password?" link here to reset it.

Can I drop a course once I enroll? Yes, on the home page for each course on the right side there is a button to drop it.

Are all the courses self-paced? Some courses, like Tech and Praise, were always self-paced. Others had timeframes and due dates in order to help set realistic goals, facilitate continuous study, and encourage long-term retention. However it became time-consuming to manage, so for the time being, they are all self-paced.

Is this open to anyone? Yes. College students, youth, older people, anyone.

Can I help out? I'd be glad for assistance with administering classes and developing material, especially test questions. If you would like to help please email Dan Kinder.